Having an insect in your ear is one of the most common ear emergencies. Especially young children who like to play and poke things into their ears, such as beads, cotton wool, paper, erasers, toys, marbles, or various foods, as well as having insects fly or crawl into their ears while sleeping or relaxing in the forest. outdoor.

The ear is an organ that performs many functions at the same time. It both receives sound waves coming from outside and converts them into signals that are sent to the brain. It also helps control balance while the body moves. If something foreign gets into the ear, there is a risk of injury and abnormal functioning, such as loss of balance or tinnitus. Especially small insects that, if they get into the ear, may carry germs. Causing infection later on we ยูฟ่าเบท will take everyone to learn. First aid method Basics in the case of insects entering the ear in order to handle them correctly in the event of an emergency .
Signs that a foreign object or insect has entered the ear are pain, inflammation, or irritation in the ear. This is because the human ear canal is a thin, hard bone cavity. And the skin in this area is still sensitive to stimuli. Easily irritated When any object is press against it, it causes pain, irritation, and in some cases, ear infections.
However, in some cases, the symptoms may be cause by ear wax blockage. Which is a condition that can cause ear pain or a loud noise inside the ear. But you will notice other symptoms that are different, such as a feeling of fullness or ringing in the ear or decreased hearing in that ear, as well as dizziness , nausea, vomiting, or being unable to walk straight in severe cases. These are all results of ear inflammation or pressure on the eardrum that results in middle ear abnormalities.
Insects that can enter the ear There are many types. Whether it is small insects such as ants, mosquitoes, flies, moths, flies, ticks, fleas, or even large insects such as cockroaches, etc., the methods for solving the problem of insects entering the ear are as follows.
If an insect gets into the ear You should quickly tilt your head up on the side. Where the insect entered your ear. Then use baby oil, olive oil, vegetable oil, or ear drops to gently drop them into the ear, pulling the ear back so that the ear canal is straight. So that insects can escape or float up. Then stay in that position for about 15-30 minutes. To allow the insects that entered the ear to die and float up on their own. However, if an insect enters the ear and there is pain inside the ear. You should not put any oil in it as it may make the symptoms more severe. You should also not use your fingers or objects to pick or rub. This may cause the insect to go deeper and may harm the eardrum. and the middle ear.
However, if the insect that enters the ear is a small insect such as a moth, fruit fly, or mosquito. If it is not dead, it can be use to lure it out. By shining a flashlight into the ear for a while. But this method must be done in a completely dark place with no light entering.