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Category Archives: Beauty & Health


8 Weight Loss Facts That Most Women Have Been Misunderstanding

8 Weight Loss Facts That Most Women Have Been Misunderstanding. Losing weight is the goal of many people, especially women who love beauty and want to have a good figure. But there are still many misunderstandings about losing weight. So, in order for women not to lose weight in

5 reasons why we are hungry more often than others!?

5 reasons why we are hungry more often than others!? Eat and then go out to eat together. The menu is the same. But why…why? Even though I’m hungrier than my friends until I had to go buy snacks and other foods to eat, until over and over my weight

Saturated fat VS unsaturated fat How are they different?

Saturated fat VS unsaturated fat How are they different? There are types of fat that you eat a lot. Then it has a negative effect on the body. Another type of fat is the type that can be eaten. and provide more benefits than harm The two types of and

Japanese doctors eating fruits and vegetables every day

Japanese doctors recommend eating fruits and vegetables every day to keep your body healthy and away from disease. Japanese people have a habit of loving health , so they often choose to eat food that is beneficial to the body. There is a proverb that says that eating